Hello! welcome to our Mashed Store! Have a look at our catalogue and see how we can better your skin care routine and more!

Mashed Soap

Turmeric as the main ingredient which helps with reduction of inflammation, oxidation and acne scarring. The soap is infused with lemon which helps heal the skin, activated charcoal which draws out dirt and toxins so that there is less oil build-up on the skin and avocado oil which helps with skin moisturization (Vitamin A & E) and among others treat sun burns.
Mashed offers a range of soaps with ingredients that are recommended for good skin care routine. Our base ingredients for all Mashed Soap are avocado butter and aloe juice. These two ingredients are known for ensuring skin moisturization (vitamin A & E), prevents acne, treat sun burns, reducing stretch marks and anti-inflammation properties among others.

Did you know?

Mashed Soap is a sister product of Mashed Comm. You are probably wondering what is this "Mashed" all about. Wonder no more. In short, Mashed is a verb - in the Mashed world, things get Mashed! Mashed Comm is the brain-child of Letlhogonolo Mashego hence it was derived from a portion of the surname. Letlhogonolo who hails from village Makapanstad (Hammanskraal) registered the company (K2022310360) which offers a variety of services brought together under one umbrella. The services offered range from media work, marketing to soaps.
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“Helped me with clearing of dark spots and leaving the skin moisturised"
“I used to have oil build up on my face but I have seen some change since i started using the charcoal soap. It opens my pores and eliminates dead cells”
“Added this product to my skin care products”

Find us

103 Maree Street Potchefstroom 2520
Trading hours
Weekdays 08h00 - 18h00